Os Suecos não s#ao muito aventureiros no que toca ao menu dos dias de festa, salmão e almôndegas e a ementa é quase a mesma no Natal, na Páscoa e na celebração do "Midsummer.
Aqui ficam fotos e os links das receitas.
Bem vindos à Suécia.
E... ^^ Glåd Pask a todos!
E... ^^ Glåd Pask a todos!
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Well... During Easter Swedes eat almost the same thing they eat for Christmas or Midsummer.
I think they just really like salmon and meatballs!
Here are some photos + links with the recipes.
Welcome to Sweden.
And... Glåd Pask everyone!
Jansson's Frestelse, a creamy potato gratin with anchovies.
Swedish Meatballs
Boiled egg halves with mayonnaise, fresh dill, shrimp and crayfish tails.
Gravad lax, salmon that has been cured in mixture of sugar, salt and dill.
Smoked salmon
Silltårta, a Swedish herring cake.