Fallas 2013 :: Valencia, Spain

    Photo by LasProvincias.es

As Fallas 2013 começaram ontem, domingo. Para nós tudo isto é novo. Valencia acordou a cheirar a pólvora porque às 7h30 foi feito o primeiro "macrodesperta". As Falleras lançaram petardos pelas ruas do centro da cidade para acordarem os vizinhos e para os avisarem de que as Fallas 2013 começaram! Eu estranhei aquela barulheira pela manhã mas não conhecia esta tradição. 
 Nós só descobrimos o que se passava porque quando fomos tomar café as bandas dos diferentes bairros tocavam na Praça da Virgem e na Praça da Rainha.

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The Fallas 2013 began yesterday, Sunday. For us this is all new. Valencia awoke with the smell of gunpowder because at 7:30 a.m. there was the first "macrodesperta". The "Falleras" threw firecrackers in downtown's streets to wake the neighbors and to warn them that the Fallas 2013 just started! I found strange all noise in the morning but didn't know this tradition
We only found out what was going on because when we went out to drink coffee the city bands from different neighborhoods played at the Virgin's Square and at the Queen's Square.


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